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The Innovation Community

Launching a Community Innovation Program

Universities face many challenges in educating students to engage in the 21st-century economy as strong contributors and, in some cases, as leaders in the ongoing evolution of technology innovations.

In our latest podcast, we delve into this transformative shift in academia, where the traditional model of university education is being reimagined and revitalized.

Beyond the Classroom and Laboratory

This evolutionary step in university education departs from the conventional focus on historical case studies. Instead, it embraces a more hands-on approach: build the prototype, test it, fix it, and re-test it. This shift is not merely about enhancing the academic curriculum; it fundamentally alters the quality of student work and engagement. The move towards real-world engagement demands more than just technical skills. It necessitates learning to collaborate effectively within a team, a skill set increasingly vital in today’s interconnected and interdisciplinary professional environment.

The Emerging Model for a University Education

The University of Cincinnati is at the forefront of this educational revolution, fostering an environment where theoretical knowledge meets practical application and where failure is viewed not as a setback but as a critical component of learning and innovation.

My guest is Kate Harmon, the Executive Director at the Center of Entrepreneurship. Kate discusses the strategies the University of Cincinnati employs to transform traditional academic education into an experiential journey that prepares students for the realities of the innovation-driven world.

Kate provides insights into how the university provides students with knowledge and invaluable experiences of learning from failures and successes. This approach focuses on shaping adaptable, resilient, and collaborative innovators who are ready to tackle the challenges and opportunities of the future.

The Podcast


Kate Harmon : harmonkr@ucmail.uc.edu

Jim Connor : jconnor@gamechangers.tv

Website Link - : https://innovation.uc.edu

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Information on the University of Cincinnati Venture Lab:

The University Innovation Lab:

The University Maker Space: