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The Addiction - Crime Connection

Accountability and Public Safety

Sam Liccardo’s vision for Congress is deeply rooted in accountability, a stark contrast to the current gridlock paralyzing the federal institution. As a mayor, pointing fingers was never an option; action was the only currency that mattered. This sentiment shapes his agenda for Congress, focusing on homelessness, crime, and the high cost of living—issues he insists are not just local anomalies but national crises demanding a federal response.

  • 00:00 Introduction
  • 00:59 How does experience as San Jose’s mayor translate to Congress?
  • 02:26 What are some specific responses to crime and drug addiction?
  • 07:33 CA Legislative laws for the homeless.
  • 09:51 Sam’s take on the federal debt.
  • 10:57 Priorities in Sam’s campaign.
  • 13:22 What is different, going from Mayor to Congress?
  • 16:53 Media Disruption in Congress.
  • 17:54 The Problem Solver Caucus 18:31 Sam’s message to voters.

Public Security and Infrastructure

In addressing crime, Liccardo underscores the necessity of a nuanced approach, one that sees beyond the act to its roots, notably drug addiction. His strategy champions rehabilitation and preventive measures, reflecting a deep understanding that security stems from community strength and coherence, not merely enforcement.


Key Concepts

Liccardo’s plan starts with a focused treatment for mental illness among the homeless population, recognizing that many struggling with homelessness are also battling drug addiction. By providing targeted mental health services, we can address the addiction crisis that often leads to criminal behavior. This is not just about creating shelters but about integrating robust mental health services that can break the cycle of homelessness and substance abuse.

Understanding that a significant portion of the prison population suffers from addiction, Liccardo advocates for a system overhaul. He sees the potential for a transformative impact on crime rates by implementing supervised release programs and frequent testing for nonviolent offenders. This shift towards rehabilitation rather than punishment could significantly reduce recidivism.

By tackling the root causes of crime, Liccardo’s strategy aims to lighten the load on our criminal justice system. Resources can be redirected from incarceration to prevention and treatment, which not only makes fiscal sense but also promises a more humane and effective solution to the societal issues at hand.


Sam Liccardo : info@samliccardo.com

Jim Connor : jconnor@gamechangers.tv

Website Link - : https://samliccardo.com