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The Campaign

The Hidden Perils of Prop 19: Unraveling California’s Tax Trap!

California’s Proposition 19, a Trojan horse disguised as a boon for wildfire victims and seniors, has stealthily morphed into a financial nightmare for unsuspecting families. This law, masquerading as a helping hand, has unleashed a tidal wave of tax turmoil, especially for those inheriting homes.

  • 0:00   Introduction and welcome
  • 01:13 Proposition History and Misconceptions
  • 02:46 In-depth discussion on the complexities involved in property inheritance.

The Reasons for the Crusade Against the Prop 19.

Gina Tse-Louie, is an advocate leading the charge against this fiscal injustice. In our latest episode, Gina tears down the facade of Prop 19, exposing the harsh realities that lurk beneath its seemingly benign surface. Her revelations are a wake-up call to every Californian – your family home could be the next casualty in this tax siege!

  • 03:39 New Prop 19.Property Inheritance Rule
  • 05:54 Detailed explanation of the property inheritance rules under Prop 19.

The Battlefront of Tax Reform: 

As Gina lays bare the stark consequences of this legislation, we’re beckoned to the frontlines of a crucial battle for tax reform. This isn’t just about numbers; it’s a fight to preserve the essence of what makes a house a family home. It’s time to confront the question:  Will Californians stand idly by while their heritage is sold to escape the burden of new property taxes?

The Petition for Fixing Proposition 19

Key Concepts

Unveiling a Taxation Nightmare
Imagine inheriting your family home, only to find a tax bill that forces you to sell. It’s not fiction; it’s the startling reality under California’s Proposition 19. In our latest “Game Changers: Silicon Valley” episode, we uncover how this law is upending lives and what’s being done to challenge it.

A Crusade for Justice
Meet Gina C. Louie, our courageous guest leading the charge against this controversial law. Her compelling story and expertise shed light on a situation that’s more than just numbers – it’s about preserving the legacy of countless families.

Take Action Now

Visit the website www.ForCalifornans.com to register your interest and become involved in the campaign
You can join the movement to protect your rights and those of future generations. Tune in, get informed, and be part of a change that could save homes and histories.


Gina Tse-Louis :

Jim Connor : jconnor@gamechangers.tv

Website Link - : www.forCaliformias.com